Its a big day for big beers at Healthy Spirits.
Fifty Fifty’s 2014 Eclipse is released today at our Castro both Healthy Spirits locations. We have a 2 bottle limit on everything. So come get yours!
Elijah Craig 12-yr (Purple)
Evan Williams 23-yr (Navy Blue)
High West Bourbon (Tangerine)
High West Rye (Lime Green)
Rittenhouse Rye (Forest Green)
Buffalo Trace (Yellow)
Java Coffee (Lavender Pearl)
Four Roses (Red)
Woodford Reserve (Blue Pearl)
And our Castro Store just got in a bunch of Cascade beers that all look amazing (Clement will release their’s later this week Both stores fully stocked!). 2 bottle limit please.
Cascade – Bourbonic Plague
(Blended Sour Porter with dates and spices, aged in Bourbon and Wine Barrels)
Cascade – Cerise Nouveau
(Sour Ale aged in Oak Barrels with Cherries)
Cascade – Manhattan NW
(Ale brewed with Spices and aged in Bourbon Barrels with Cherries and Noyaux)
Cascade – Elderberry
(Ale aged in Oak Barrels with Elderberries and Spices)
Cascade – 2013 Figaro
(Ale aged in Oak Barrels with White Figs and Lemon Peel)
Cascade – Cranberry
(Ale aged in Oak Barrels with Cranberries and Spices)