Howdy Folks,
Happy to announce the arrival of Yamazaki Sherry Cask! The number 1 rated whisky in the world from last year’s Whisky Bible. Interest and demand for this whisky are at an all time high, especially since it’s never been available in the US before. The current version is older than last year’s holy grail, with some barrels exceeding 25 years, and is comprised entirely of first fill sherry cask aged whisky. Early reviews suggest this year’s version is even better than Whisky Bible’s top 2015 choice.
Because of the extremely limited availability of this whisky we have decided to release our one bottle in the form of a raffle, and just for good measure some other choice Japanese whiskies from our cellar. Our Castro shop will host what we’re calling “Rare Japanese Whisky Day” Saturday March 12th when the doors open at 11am.
We’ll have some Yamazaki 12 year and Hibiki 12 year (no longer made) available right when the doors open, but come early as we expect those to sell out fast. Here are the times for the rare whisky raffles:
Noon: Hibiki 17 year $179.99
1pm: Yamazaki 18 year $299.99
2pm: Yamazaki Sherry Cask 2016 $499.99
Multiple winners will be pulled for the noon and 1pm raffles, and then one bottle of the grand prize Yamazaki Sherry will be raffled at 2pm. You must be present in the shop to get a raffle ticket and when the drawing is called to be a winner. Winning the raffle of course means you’ve won the right to purchase the bottle. Hibiki 17 year raffle tickets will be handed out between 11:45am and noon, Yamazaki 18 year tickets between 12:45pm and 1pm and so on.
All other Japanese whiskies will be discounted 20% from 11am to 2pm, so even if you don’t win a raffle it’ll be a great day to stock up on Japanese whiskies. Don’t miss out!
Rare Japanese Whisky Day: March 12th 2016, 11am to 2pm
Healthy Spirits Castro
2299 15th Street, San Francisco CA, 94114