Three ways to get Dad what he really wants for Father’s Day:
- Sign Dad up for one of our three expert spirit clubs: Beer, American Whiskey or Agave. He’ll pick up selections once a month from one of our three stores, and get great perks including: detailed educational notes and brewer/distiller history, 10% off discount card, first shot at limited releases and ability to reserve bottles, and occasional free access to industry events. Sign up online now or come into the shop and grab his first month’s selections to give to him in person.
- Don’t live in town or don’t have time to stop by the shop? Let us deliver happiness in bottle. From the Postmates app on your phone search for Healthy Spirits for a quick and easy way to get the job done. If you’d like to get a more personal recommendation, larger selection or gift packaging, please call any of our three stores directly and we can schedule an Uber delivery any day of the week, including Father’s Day!
- Dad lives in another part of California or out of state? No problem, we ship to any part of California and all other states that allow it. Let us help get the perfect gift for Dad in the mail. You can add a personalized message or gift packaging. Standard shipping rates apply. For all shipping orders please call the Castro store directly at: 415-255-0610