Since 2006 Firestone Walker’s barrel aging project has turned out some of America’s most sought after beer releases in their Anniversary Ale series. These ales are a blend of several unique components, beers of varying styles aged in spirits vessels. Over the years, our friends in Paso Robles have treated us to some of these component ales as draft only and, to our delight here at Healthy Spirits, limited bottle runs.
Stickee Monkee lives up to its name by spiking a full on Belgian-style dark strong ale with Mexican Turbinado brown sugar and aging in oaken spirits vessels to impart more flavor. A rich molasses sweetness gives way to toasted coconut, and an earthy leather finish.
22oz bottle in a handsome display box will set you back $18.99 plus tax and CRV. One (1) bottle per person per diem limit, please, and phone reservations for club members only.